eCommerce Marketing Automation with Klaviyo

The right email marketing automation tool can help your business scale new heights never seen before.
In an age where time is money, scalable businesses resort to automating business processes as much as possible. Automation grows revenues and the business owner can free up their time to focus on growing the business. For an online business one facet that can be automated is email marketing.
eCommerce Marketing Automation with Klaviyo


In an age where time is money, scalable businesses resort to automating business processes as much as possible.

Automation grows revenues and the business owner can free up their time to focus on growing the business.

For an online business one facet that can be automated is email marketing.

Email marketing produces more than commensurate ROI for the amount invested.

The right email marketing automation tool can help your business scale new heights never seen before.

What is email marketing software and what does it do?

Email marketing software is a tool that helps you to automatically send email campaigns based on rules you set. With it you can segment subscriber lists, you can use different templates for campaigns and schedule emails. After each campaign gets sent you have access to detailed statistics— like the open rates, click through rates helping you analyze mistakes and successes.

But what is the best tool to get things done?

Short answer: Klaviyo.

The long answer:

In this post we will take a closer look at Klaviyo and how this email marketing automation tool measures up.

What’s Klaviyo?

It’s a web-based email marketing automation tool.

Klaviyo was launched in 2012 and since then it has become a dominating force in the world of email automation. Rife with features, it specializes in eCommerce email marketing.

The key features are integration with multiple platforms, ability to divide subscribers into different segments based on scores of parameters and performance based reporting.

Emails can be blasted based on different metrics like purchase and product viewing history and based on user interaction with past emails.

Integration with platforms like Shopify, Bigcommerce and others add to its prowess. It also integrates with payment processors.

Creating email campaigns is easy with the drag and drop email builder allowing you to choose from a variety of ready to deploy templates. Share on X

The reporting dashboard is fairly advanced with detailed metrics on recently order items, refund requests, visitor browsing activity and revenue generated from subscribers.

Let’s look at the features in more detail.

Features of Klaviyo

Klaviyo as noted before puts its entire focus on email automation for eCommerce. To that end, you’re able to segment subscribers based on criteria like on site browsing behavior, purchase frequency and value, frequency of adding to shopping cart and other such factors.


Segmentation is the first step in personalizing your emails. A cookie cutter approach no longer works when marketing online. Segmenting your lists helps you approach the crowd as an individual and produce greater returns for the effort.

Purchase history, email interaction, and other behaviours are used to create extremely personalized emails. This way, you can tailor your emails and campaigns much more accurately to your subscribers based on what they like most and in that process remain relevant and generate profitable campaigns.

Another feature is that when you get new subscribers they’re divvied up automatically between the segments you created before. This happens in real-time without your involvement.

By increasing the number of conditions or decreasing them you’re able to control how narrow you want the focus to be.

The different customization options let you pull data from user behavior and user records. These are supported by drop in tags that pull information from contact records The dashboard helps you search through contacts with filters and a live activity feed displays real time information on contacts.

Advanced reporting

Reporting on Klaviyo is much more advanced and goes beyond the basics like click throughs, opens and bounces.

With Klaviyo you get to know the revenue contributed by each subscriber, the highest-grossing campaigns, and ROI.

This kind of performance based reporting clearly differentiates itself from what you find on most competing automation tools. The analytics dashboard gives an in-depth understanding of how your business is doing and what factors are playing the biggest role in influencing revenue growth. Metrics can be removed or added based on your preferences.

You also have options for comparing past data with current data and track growth spurts. And probably the most heartening feature for data lovers. All data is updated in real time and don’t have to wait 24 hours to see what’s going on.


Another excellent feature of Klaviyo is that it integrates with a bunch of platforms.

Other email automation tools integrate with mail boxes and CRMs only. But Klaviyo’s  core focus is on integrating with eCommerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce and Amazon Marketplace, and others. Using inbuilt javascript functions you can also custom code to add other integrations. It also integrates with Facebook’s custom audiences helping you target and niche down to visitors using the facebook ad pixel.

One click integrations allows instant connection with apps and platforms.

Here are some sample integrations

  • Integrates with BigCommerce, Shopify
  • One click integration with payment gateways
  • Integrates with CRM tools
  • Helpdesk software like Zendesk

Such cross-platform integrations give wings to the tool and make it much more powerful. Different integrations add different capabilities like being able to track bounces at checkout, drops from product pages and so on.

Once integrations are in place, the data flows directly from the apps and platforms to Klaviyo in real time.

In this age where time is money, scalable businesses resort to automating business processes as much as possible. Share on X

Drag and drop email creation

Creating email campaigns is easy with the drag and drop email builder allowing you to choose from a variety of ready to deploy templates. There are also options to personalize messages with personalization tags and the ability to add dynamic data blocks that change according to the segment you’re sending mails to.

The emails can be sent based on varying parameters and triggered on either action say cart abandonment or manually scheduled or even segmented emails.

Customer service

Another great feature that Klaviyo comes with is its undying focus on customer support. There are options of live chat and email support.

There’s a handy resource page which has all information on the tool. It’s also choke full of eBooks, guides trends and strategies for you to learn from.

Klaviyo Pricing

Pricing is as follows:

The pricing starts at $25 a month for 500 email sends and 250 contacts. It goes up to $1700 for 150,000 contacts supporting 1.5 million email sends monthly. If you want more sends or more contacts contact them for a custom plan.

To sum things up here are the features

  • A/B testing
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Application integration
  • CRM integration

A/B Testing: Klaviyo lets you A/B test campaigns to see which ones gave the best results.  The a/b testing capabilities and performance reporting can be used to track open rate metrics, bounce rate and click through rates to say the least

Activity Dashboard: The activity dashboard presents an in-depth a bird’s eye view of everything users are engaging with on the site and on the email.

Application Integration: You can add different apps and platforms and enjoy their benefits.

CRM Integration: CRM tools can be added to Klaviyo like Zoho CRM.

Here at Right Hook Digital, we partner with businesses to drive their business outcomes and high ROI. Our time-tested process flows through the steps of Brand Awareness, Nurturing the Relationship, Conversion, to Loyalty and Retention. Our services include:

  • Growth Strategy
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Google PPC
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Book your free strategy call with Right Hook Digital today by clicking here.

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Dee Deng
Co-founder and CEO
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